Sega Master System | - staré hry ONLINE

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... we grow old because we stop playing.“                         

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Video game console - Sega Master System (SMS)

    Sega Master System (SMS) was an 8-bit video game console released by Sega in 1985. Its original Japanese name was Sega Mark III, but Master System was also used in Japan. The sale on the European market was comparable with its main competitor, Nintendo Entertainment System. But thanks to its large availability, it failed at the North American and Japanese markets. Master System came as a direct competitor to the NES in the third generation of game consoles. Her successor, Sega Game Gear was handheld Master System console the with a few improvements.
    Both the Mark III and the Master System possess two slots for game input: one for ROM Cartridges and one for Sega Cards, along with an expansion slot and 2 controller ports. Input for Sega Cards used small card with the size of a credit card, similarly to the PC Engine / TurboGrafx-16. Cartridges have a much higher capacity, while the cards were much smaller and were used for cheaper games. 3D glasses were connected via Sega Card input, and allowed the 3D effects for specially designed games. By this way, both inputs worked together. In case of Master System II, card input has been removed, and only cartridges were used. It helped to reduce the cost of production. Since the cards were unpopular, only a few games were released on Sega cards and most of them were later rereleased also on cartridges. There was also an attempt to create a floppy drive like for the Mega Drive but it never came out into sales.
    The game controller of Master System console had only two buttons, one acted as a Start button, while pause button was directly on the console. The controller used a 9-pin connector and could also be connected with consoles: Atari 2600, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore 64, Amstrad CPC and ZX Spectrum. Among the other controllers, it should be mentioned the Light Phaser. The Light Phaser was light gun created for the Master System console and was heavier than its counterpart Nintendo Zapper. It had more sensitive trigger and more accurate aiming. Sega also developed 3D glasses SegaScope 3-D, which used a small LCD screen, rapidly changing between left and right lens, creating two different images synchronized with the TV in order to create a stereoscopic 3D effect. The same technique was used with similar glasses for some 3-D movies in theaters, although these are mostly replaced with new technology. But there were only eight 3-D games compatible with the Master System.
    In 2006, Master System was reissued in the form of a small handheld console powered by three AAA batteries. The console had its own screen and included 20 games originally released for the Master System and Game Gear.

Alphabetical list of SMS games hosted at

Name Released Number of hits User rating
20 em 1 1995 33724x 52%
ALF 1989 24536x 64%
Ace of Aces 1986 75772x 62%
Action Fighter 1986 86207x 65%
Addams Family, The 1991 20884x 62%
After Burner 1987 39152x 72%
Alex Kidd in Miracle ... 1986 358256x 70%
Alex Kidd in Shinobi ... 1990 36635x 73%
Alex Kidd: High-Tech ... 1989 30527x 66%
Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars 1988 33562x 67%
Alibaba and 40 Thieves 1982 17007x 61%
Alien 3 1992 17224x 68%
Altered Beast 1988 18804x 47%
Arcade Smash Hits 1992 9681x 73%
Astro Warrior 1986 42905x 79%
Astérix 1991 55901x 62%
Astérix-Great Rescue 1993 11662x 67%
Astérix: Secret Mission 1993 27524x 62%
Aztec Adventure 1987 24160x 64%
Baku Baku Animal 1995 163553x 75%
Bank Panic 1987 31984x 58%
Batman Returns 1992 11103x 58%
Battle Out Run 1989 85510x 62%
Battletoads in Battlemaniacs 1993 2943x 80%
Black Belt 1986 53174x 67%
Bomber Raid 1988 39401x 71%
Bonanza Bros. 1990 16930x 77%
Bubble Bobble 1986 26292x 77%
Buggy Run 1993 85604x 60%
California Games 1987 22651x 66%
California Games II 1990 15626x 60%
Carmen Sandiego (VGA) 1988 7588x 30%
Casino Games 1989 19853x 45%
Castle of Illusion 1990 51499x 66%
Chase H.Q. 1988 17740x 62%
Choplifter 1982 55759x 67%
Columns 1990 14829x 83%
Cool Spot 1993 15815x 57%
Daffy Duck in Hollywood 1994 9604x 70%
Deep Duck Trouble 1993 37358x 63%
Desert Strike 1992 8417x 55%
Disney’s Aladdin 1993 23933x 78%
Double Dragon 1987 20171x 65%
Dr. Robotnik's Mean ... 1993 11433x 75%
Dracula 1993 18018x 83%
Earthworm Jim 1994 18560x 63%
Ecco the Dolphin 1992 14993x 57%
Enduro Racer 1987 24035x 77%
F-1 Spirit 1987 20416x 59%
F1 1993 9743x 80%
FIFA International Soccer 1993 20793x 70%
Fantasy Zone 1986 34599x 73%
Fantasy Zone II 1987 24918x 70%
GP Rider 1990 12399x 73%
Galaxian 1979 6511x 78%
Gangster Town 1987 37060x 57%
Gauntlet 1985 29795x 67%
Ghost House 1986 27942x 73%
Ghostbusters 1984 21011x 80%
Ghouls ’N Ghosts 1988 24271x 79%
Golden Axe 1989 137784x 68%
Golden Axe Warrior 1991 40381x 81%
Golvellius 1988 22498x 80%
Gradius 1985 6601x 78%
Great Baseball 1987 22935x 78%
Great Soccer 1985 26962x 67%
Great Volleyball 1987 13685x 78%
Gun.Smoke 1987 8809x 67%
Hang-On 1985 44961x 60%
Home Alone 1991 17788x 69%
Impossible Mission 1984 18062x 57%
Indiana Jones and ... 1989 35806x 59%
Ironman 1989 13660x 50%
Kenseiden 1988 26801x 65%
King’s Quest 1984 30828x 63%
Klax 1989 23508x 59%
Krusty's Fun House 1992 3500x 70%
Kung Fu Kid 1987 25563x 72%
Land of Illusion 1992 45979x 68%
Lemmings 1991 17996x 52%
Line of Fire 1989 12575x 54%
Lion King, The 1994 54749x 69%
Lucky Dime Caper 1991 31164x 72%
Marble Madness 1984 14488x 73%
Master of Darkness 1992 30264x 76%
Mercs 1990 11986x 80%
Michael Jackson's Moon... 1990 12191x 71%
Monopoly 1987 16949x 81%
Montezuma’s Revenge 1984 31042x 63%
Mortal Kombat 1993 222335x 73%
Mortal Kombat 3 1995 19942x 74%
Mortal Kombat II 1994 21537x 70%
Ms. Pac-Man 1982 24223x 68%
My Hero 1985 19252x 76%
Nemesis 2 1987 9461x 69%
New Zealand Story 1989 18440x 64%
Ninja Gaiden 1992 56870x 79%
Olympic Gold 1992 19564x 59%
Operation Wolf 1987 23418x 66%
OutRun 1986 51608x 66%
OutRun Europa 1991 14660x 60%
Pac-Mania 1988 26491x 78%
Paperboy 1984 17116x 66%
Penguin Adventure 1986 17507x 65%
Penguin Land 1987 31137x 71%
Phantasy Star 1987 48185x 84%
Pit Pot 1985 19037x 67%
Pit-Fighter 1990 6425x 55%
Pooyan 1982 7042x 52%
Populous 1989 30894x 74%
Power Strike 1988 24859x 67%
Power Strike II 1993 18860x 58%
Predator 2 1992 9228x 37%
Prince of Persia 1989 26626x 72%
Pro Wrestling 1986 12752x 57%
Psycho Fox 1989 37971x 74%
R-Type 1988 46603x 75%
Rainbow Islands 1987 11597x 58%
Rambo 1986 35295x 67%
Rambo III 1988 31447x 65%
Rampage 1986 24217x 81%
Rastan 1987 30037x 77%
Renegade 1986 16200x 77%
Road Rash 1991 58578x 63%
RoboCop 3 1992 13046x 80%
RoboCop vs Terminator 1993 14978x 65%
Rocky 1987 75228x 68%
Rygar 1986 16428x 71%
Sagaia 1989 5794x 70%
Sega Chess 1991 26196x 81%
Shadow Dancer 1989 23454x 70%
Shanghai 1986 15796x 77%
Shinobi 1987 63639x 67%
Simpsons: Bart vs. ... 1991 18099x 71%
Simpsons: Bart vs. World 1991 16443x 53%
Slap Shot 1990 7295x 74%
Solomon’s Key 1986 17195x 74%
Sonic Chaos 1993 0x 76%
Sonic the Hedgehog 1991 0x 78%
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 1992 0x 72%
Sonic: Spinball 1993 0x 80%
Space Harrier 1985 10291x 76%
Spider-Man Vs. the ... 1990 32635x 62%
Spider-Man: Return of ... 1992 17668x 73%
Spy vs Spy 1984 23507x 76%
Star Wars 1991 17214x 53%
Street Fighter II 1992 28217x 76%
Streets of Rage 1991 18097x 80%
Streets of Rage 2 1993 24343x 81%
Strider 1989 15819x 69%
Submarine Attack 1990 12803x 41%
Summer Games 1984 9012x 60%
Super Boy 4 1992 27260x 68%
Super Boy I 1989 61603x 62%
Super Boy II 1989 24449x 65%
Super Boy III 1991 24717x 67%
Super Monaco GP 1989 13680x 74%
Super Monaco GP II 1992 4969x 70%
Super Tennis 1986 34165x 65%
T2: The Arcade Game 1991 13333x 57%
Tecmo World Cup 1989 7270x 36%
Teddy Boy 1986 31233x 69%
Terminator 2 1991 16097x 71%
The Flash 1991 10877x 70%
The Flintstones 1988 3396x 66%
The Jungle Book 1994 18030x 65%
The Ninja 1986 27901x 57%
The Smurfs 1993 6766x 70%
The Terminator 1992 26700x 67%
Tom and Jerry: The Movie 1992 21058x 71%
TransBot 1985 13051x 80%
Vigilante 1988 34987x 68%
WC Leader Board 1987 4759x 80%
Winter Olympics 94 1993 11340x 78%
Wonder Boy 1987 76059x 70%
Wonder Boy II 1987 84083x 74%
Wonder Boy III 1989 44014x 72%
World Championship Soccer 1989 14773x 74%
World Grand Prix 1986 38542x 65%
Xenon 2: Megablast 1989 21089x 69%
Ys 1987 26237x 69%
Zillion 1987 33011x 66%

All information in this article are from:

North American/European Master System
along with gamepad controller.

Technical data:
Manufacturer: Sega
Generation: Third (8-bit era)
Retail availability: October 1985 (Japan)
September 1986 (USA)
October 1986 (Europe)
September 1987 (Australia)
Discontinued: 1989 (Japan), 1992 (USA), 1996 (Europe)
Units sold: 20 million (As of 2016)
Media: ROM cartridge, Sega Card
Processor (CPU): 8-bit Zilog Z80 at 3,58 MHz
Screen resolution: 256 x 192
Colors: 32 colors on-screen
Controller input: gamepad (cross + 2 buttons)
Light Phaser (light gun)
Manual: Sega_Master_System.pdf
Best-selling game: Alex Kidd in Miracle World
Predecessor: SG-1000 (1983)
Successor: Sega Mega Drive / Genesis (1988)


Most popular SMS games:

SMS: Alex Kidd in Miracle World Alex Kidd in Miracle World

SMS: Sonic the Hedgehog Sonic the Hedgehog

SMS: Astérix Astérix

SMS: Hang-On Hang-On

SMS: Wonder Boy Wonder Boy

SMS: Phantasy Star Phantasy Star

SMS: Golvellius Golvellius: Valley of Doom

SMS: Golden Axe Golden Axe

SMS: Mortal Kombat Mortal Kombat

SMS: Rocky Rocky


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