Legend of Kage, The (NES) - online game | RetroGames.cz
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The Legend of Kage - Nintendo NES system

NES gamepad:

NES gamepad

Gamepad control:


Player 1: Player 2:
A X -
B Z -
SELECT Shift -
START Enter -

Emulation speed:

If the game emulation is slow, try to speed it up by reloading this pa­ge without ads or choose a­no­ther emulator from this table.

Other platforms:

This game can be played also in a version for SG-1000. We are wor­king on the others.

Game info:
The Legend of Kage - box cover
box cover
Game title: The Legend of Kage
Console: Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
Author (released): Taito (1986)
Genre: Action, Platform Mode: Multiplayer
Design: Gary Knight, Simon Butler
Music: Hisayoshi Ogura
Game manual: manual.pdf

File size:

433 kB
Download: not available (stream only)

Game size:

48 kB
Recommended emulator: FCEUX

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

   The Legend of Kage is a side-scrolling hack-and-slash game developed and published by Taito in 1985. In this game, the player controls the ninja Kage, with the objective being to get through five stages in order to save the princess Kirihime. These stages are littered with enemies, however Kage has various skills and weapons on his hands in order to get through them.
   The arcade release was considered a success for Taito, and exceeded sales expectations at the time of its release.
The Legend of Kage (NES)
The Legend of Kage (NES)
It has been ported to a variety of home systems, has had sequels and spinoffs, and has been featured on various Taito compilations.
   The player takes the role of a young Iga ninja named Kage ('Shadow'), on a mission to rescue Princess Kiri (hime) - the Shogun's daughter - from the villainous warlord Yoshi (ro Kuyigusa) and fellow evil samurai Yuki (nosuke Riko). The player is armed with a kodachi shortsword and an unlimited number of shuriken. Kage must fight his way through a forest, along a secret passageway, up a fortress wall, and through a castle, rescuing her twice (three times in the FC/NES version) in order to win the game. Each time the princess is rescued, the seasons change from summer to fall to winter and back to summer.
   In home versions, grabbing a crystal ball causes the player's clothes to change to the next level in color and thereby attain certain powers (bigger shuriken or faster speed). If Kage is hit in a home version while in green or orange clothes, he does not die but reverts to his normal red clothes. Cycles repeat after five levels are completed, and play continues until all lives are gone, which ends the game.
   The Legend of Kage was released by Taito in Japan in 1985, with a European release later in the year, and an American release in January 1986. According to Hisayoshi Ogura, the game's composer, development came after a fast-paced period of game development within Taito, where it eased up around this game. Ogura specifically gave the game's music a distinct Japanese feeling in order for it to fit in better with the setting of the game, and he felt it was a worthy challenge for him to be able to adapt it to the sound hardware. Earlier versions of the game used a sound board based around the MSM5232, the same chip found on synths such as the Korg Poly-800. However, an FM version of the soundtrack was also produced given Ogura's experimentation with FM sound at the time. This proved to be helpful as the final version of the game used an FM sound board. The game was almost shelved, but after it was placed in a game show, it was highly praised and Taito decided to give the game a full release due to the postive reception.

More details about this game can be found on Wikipedia.org.

For fans and collectors:
Find this game on video server YouTube.com or Vimeo.com.
Buy original game or NES console on Amazon.com or eBay.com.

Find digital download of this game on GOG or Steam.

Game controls:

The NES version of The Legend of Kage was originally controlled via the NES controller with a cross-shaped joypad and two action buttons. The basic description of game controls is summarized in the table below. Detailed description of how to play this game can be found a in the attached game manual. Please note that individual gamepad buttons are emulated by different keys on your PC keyboard depending on the settings of your online emulator (see the table next to the game).

Use the LEFT and RIGHT arrows to move in the corresponding direction. Use UP arrow to jump up and to climb a tree or pole. Use DOWN arrow to duck and to climb down a tree or pole.

Use A button to control Kage's sword.

Use B button to throw Kage's star knives.

Press Select on the title screen menu to select between a one or two player game.

Press Start to begin a new game or to pause the action mid-game.

Videogame Console:

This ver­sion of The Legend of Kage was de­sig­ned for the Nin­ten­do En­ter­tai­nment Sys­tem (NES), which was an eight-bit vi­deo ga­me con­so­le ma­nu­fac­tu­red by Nin­ten­do in the years 1983 - 2003. In that time, it was the best-sel­ling vi­deo ga­me con­so­le for which mo­re than 700 li­cen­sed ga­mes and a num­ber of non-li­cen­sed ga­mes we­re cre­a­ted. World­wi­de, ap­pro­xi­ma­te­ly 62 mil­lion units of this con­so­le we­re sold at ap­pro­xi­ma­te­ly pri­ce $ 100 per unit. Mo­re in­for­ma­ti­on about the NES con­so­le can be found here.

Recommended Game Controllers:

You can control this game easily by using the keyboard of your PC (see the table next to the game). However, for maximum gaming enjoyment, we strongly recommend using a USB gamepad that you simply plug into the USB port of your computer. If you do not have a gamepad, buy a suitable USB controller on Amazon or AliExpress or in some of your favorite online stores.

Available online emulators:

6 different online emulators are available for The Legend of Kage. These emulators differ not only in the technology they use to emulate old games, but also in support of various game controllers, multiplayer mode, mobile phone touchscreen, emulation speed, absence or presence of embedded ads and in many other parameters. For maximum gaming enjoyment, it's important to choose the right emulator, because on each PC and in different Internet browsers, the individual emulators behave differently. The basic features of each emulator available for this game The Legend of Kage are summarized in the following table:

Emulator Technology Multiplayer USB gamepad Touchscreen Without ads
EmulatorJS JavaScript YES YES YES YES
NeptunJS JavaScript YES YES NO NO
NesBox Flash NO YES NO YES
RetroGames.cc JavaScript YES YES YES NO
vNES Java applet YES NO NO YES
Emulatrix JavaScript NO NO NO YES

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