Game is controlled by the same keys that are used to playing under MS DOS. For fullscreen press 'Right Alt' + 'Enter'.
If the game emulation speed is low, you can try to increase it by reloading this page without ads or choose another emulator from this table.
Other platforms:
Unfortunately, this game is currently available only in this version. Be patient :-)
Leo – Žhavá čísla (translated as Leo - Hot Numbers) is a Czech puzzle game for adults published in 1996 by Vochozka Trading in cooperation with Leo magazine. The game is an interesting example from the 90s that combines simple game mechanics with erotic elements.
Leo - Žhavá čísla (MS-DOS)
The game is intended for one to two players and takes place on a 7x7 board. Each box contains a number ranging from -12 to +12, with blue boxes adding points and red boxes subtracting them. Players regularly take turns in uncovering squares. The first player can reveal squares only in the horizontal direction, the second player only in the vertical direction. The goal is to achieve a higher score than your opponent. After clicking on the box with the number, this is revealed, while the background in each level is a digitized erotic photo of one of the models of Leo magazine. In total, the game contains 12 levels, with each level revealing a different lady in the background.
Leo - Žhavá čísla can be compared to simple puzzle games like Maxit, which offered a similar principle of collecting numbers from the board. The game model combining Maxit with erotic photos in the background was copied from an older and more well-known game promoting another men's magazine - Penthouse. Unlike the game Penthouse Hot Numbers, the game Leo - Žhavá čísla used more explicit photos and emphasized the local Czech market and the connection to Leo magazine, which in its heyday featured photos of TV presenter Tereza Pergnerová, Miss Czech Republic 2001 Diana Kobzanová, or popular singer Marcela Březinová.
The game was developed by Vladimír Peníška Corporation and published by Petr Vochozka through his company Vochozka Trading. There is speculation that the game was distributed as a gift for Leo magazine subscribers, but according to Petr Vochozka, it was also available in regular sales.
The game received mixed reviews. It was rated 40% in Score magazine. Reviewers appreciated the simplicity of the game, but criticized the low number of levels and the poor performance of the opponent - that is, the artificial intelligence. Users on the Databá server rate it an average of 44%.
Today, the game Leo – Žhavá čísla is considered a curiosity of the Czech gaming scene of the 90s. Despite its shortcomings and a strong touch of the bizarre, it remains an integral part of Czech video game history and has a relatively high value, especially among collectors.
More details about this game can be found on
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This version of LEO - Žhavá čísla was designed for personal computers with operating system MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System),
which was operating system developed by Microsoft in 1981. It was the most widely-used operating system in the first half of the 1990s. MS-DOS was supplied
with most of the IBM computers that purchased a license from Microsoft. After 1995, it was pushed out by a graphically more advanced system - Windows and
its development was ceased in 2000. At the
time of its greatest fame, several thousand games designed specifically for computers with this system were created. Today, its development is no longer continue
and for emulation the free DOSBox emulator is most often used. More information about MS-DOS operating system can be found
Available online emulators:
5 different online emulators are available for LEO - Žhavá čísla. These emulators differ not only in the technology they use to emulate old games, but also in support of various game controllers, multiplayer mode, mobile phone touchscreen, emulation speed, absence or presence of embedded ads and in many other parameters. For
maximum gaming enjoyment, it's important to choose the right emulator, because on each PC and in different Internet browsers, the individual emulators behave differently. The basic
features of each emulator available for this game LEO - Žhavá čísla are summarized in the following table:
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