Kwirk (Game Boy) - online game | - staré hry ONLINE

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Kwirk - Game Boy

Game description:

Sorry, no English description yet.

Game Boy control:
Start/Stop Enter
Select Shift
button A Z
button B X
second player after setup

Emulation speed:

If the game emulation is slow, try to speed it up by reloading this pa­ge without ads or choose a­no­ther emulator from this table.

Other platforms:

Unfortunately, this game is cur­rent­ly available only in this ver­si­on. Be patient :-)

Game info:
Kwirk - box cover
box cover
Game title: Kwirk
Console: Game Boy
Author (released): Atlus (1989)
Genre: Puzzle Mode: Single-player
Game manual: not available
Download: not available (stream only)

Game size:

32 kB
Recommended emulator: Visual Boy Advance

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

   Kwirk, known in Japan as Puzzle Boy, is an action/transport puzzle video game first developed and published by Atlus in Japan on November 24, 1989 for the original Game Boy. The same port was later published in North America in March 1990 by Acclaim Entertainment. On February 22, 1991, Atlus ported and released Puzzle Boy to the PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16 exclusively in Japan.
   Kwirk and his girlfriend Tammy, a tomato herself, were both out 'painting the town red' when they both decided to explore the unnamed city's subterranean labyrinth below. While down there Tammy suddenly disappears and Kwirk, with his Veggie Friends, now has to find her in the labyrinth and bring her home.
   Kwirk has three game modes: Going Up?, Heading Out?, and Vs. Mode, each one with its own set of rules. The object is to get from one end of the room to the staircase on the other by rotating turnstiles, moving blocks, and filling holes with blocks.
   Kwirk has three skill levels: Level 1 - Easy, Level 2 - Average and Level 3 - Hard. After, one of two viewpoints may be selected: Diagonal or Bird's Eye. In Diagonal view, characters and blocks have shadows and appear in crude 3D, whereas in Bird's Eye view everything is 2D, viewed from the top down. The three skill levels and two viewpoints are featured in all three game modes.
   In 'Going Up?,' the object is to go from floor to floor by rotating turnstiles, moving blocks, and filling holes with blocks to get to the staircase on the other side. There are ten floors for each Skill Level for a total of thirty floors. Along the way at certain levels, Kwirk will receive help from his Veggie Friends, who can be taken control of by pressing the Select button. The Going Up? game mode offers a menu screen (upon a press of the A button) that allows the following;

  • Redo – Restart the entire stage from the beginning.
  • End – Return to the menu.
  • Back – Undo the last move made, up to eight times.
Scoring is based on the time taken to complete the stage and the number of steps taken to get to the stairs. Going Up? serves as the story in which Kwirk has to rescue Tammy from the maze. Although the game features no storyline to progress the game, each stage ends with Tammy displaying the score, and after ten floors to each Level, Tammy and Kwirk are reunited.
   In 'Heading Out?' the object is to complete a certain number of rooms consecutively to get a high score. There are a total of 99 rooms, any of which can be selected to run through by the player. Once started, the player sprints through each room solving the puzzle. Bonus Points are earned upon completion of each room. The Bonus Points start at 2000, decreasing during the course of the room, and resets after entering a new room. A timer is included to track the time through the course. After running through all the rooms the player's score is then recorded on a top four list.
   Vs. Mode is a race using Heading Out? mode between two players. Each player selects a number of rooms to race through, but both player do not have to select the same number of rooms as a handicap. Then a Contest is selected to decide the win condition; 1 Game playoff, or a Best of 3, 5, 7, or 9. Once started, the players can monitor each other through a Progress meter on their respective screens. The match ends when one player completes all the rooms.
   In each room, Kwirk must navigate around and interact with various obstacles in order to progress. Obstacles:
  • Brick Walls – Cannot be moved nor walked through. Brick walls must be maneuvered around and blocks must be pushed around them.
  • Turnstiles – Blocks set on an axis that turn 90 degrees when pushed by a character. They come in single, double, triple, and quadruple variations. They cannot turn if something is blocking their radius of movement.
  • Blocks – Basic blocks of various sizes. They can be pushed by characters and may block paths necessary for a character to reach the stairs. Blocks can also fill holes to allow characters to walk past.
  • Holes – Can't be walked over. Instead, blocks can be used to fill holes or characters must maneuver around the holes.
At certain points in the game 'Going Up?,' one or all of Kwirk’s Veggie Friends will appear to help. They don’t have special abilities, but instead play exactly like Kwirk to allow maneuvers that weren't possible with only one character. The player switches between characters by pressing the select button and all of the Veggie Friends must be brought to the stairs to clear the floor. The Veggie Friends:
  • Curly Carrot
  • Eddie Eggplant
  • Pete the Pepper
  • Sass the Squash

More details about this game can be found on

For fans and collectors:
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Videogame Console:

This ver­sion of Kwirk was de­sig­ned for the Ga­me Boy con­so­le, which was an 8-bit hand­held vi­deo ga­me con­so­le ma­nu­fac­tu­red by Nin­ten­do in the years 1989 - 2003. It was the first ever hand­held vi­de­o ga­me con­so­le with ex­chan­ge­able ga­me car­trid­ges, but it on­ly sup­por­ted black and whi­te screen. The Ga­me Boy con­so­le has been ex­tre­me­ly com­mer­ci­al­ly suc­ces­s­ful and has sold mo­re than 118 mil­li­on u­nits (in­clu­ding its suc­ces­sors Ga­me Boy Poc­ket and Co­lor). Its u­nit pri­ce on US mar­ket was $ 90. Mo­re in­for­ma­ti­on about the Ga­me Boy con­so­le can be found here.

Recommended Game Controllers:

You can control this game easily by using the keyboard of your PC (see the table next to the game). However, for maximum gaming enjoyment, we strongly recommend using a USB gamepad that you simply plug into the USB port of your computer. If you do not have a gamepad, buy a suitable USB controller on Amazon or AliExpress or in some of your favorite online stores.

Available online emulators:

6 different online emulators are available for Kwirk. These emulators differ not only in the technology they use to emulate old games, but also in support of various game controllers, multiplayer mode, mobile phone touchscreen, emulation speed, absence or presence of embedded ads and in many other parameters. For maximum gaming enjoyment, it's important to choose the right emulator, because on each PC and in different Internet browsers, the individual emulators behave differently. The basic features of each emulator available for this game Kwirk are summarized in the following table:

Emulator Technology Multiplayer USB gamepad Touchscreen Without ads
EmulatorJS JavaScript YES YES YES YES
NeptunJS JavaScript YES YES NO NO
NesBox Flash NO YES NO YES JavaScript YES YES YES NO
JavaBoy Java applet NO NO NO YES
Emulatrix JavaScript NO NO NO YES

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