AUTOBOTS DOCUMENTATION RELEASE 1.1p Public Domain (c)1989 L. Scott Emmons TERMS OF USE: This release and all subsequent releases of AUTOBOTS are hereby in the public domain, to be distributed freely with no registration fee. If you are currently using or distributing the first releases of this software, please substitute this public domain version of the archive/files and remove the old release from your file system. This work is still copywritten. TO PLAY: Autobots requires an MS-DOS machine with at least a CGA card (color monitor *strongly* recommended). All controls are from the keyboard, and it will run with any reasonable amount of RAM installed. The following files are required to run AUTOBOTS: AUTOBOTS.EXE <- The executable file AUTOBOTS.DOC <- This documentation file AUTOBOTS.DAT <- The opening screen CGA .BGI <- Graphics driver TRIP .CHR <- Font driver *** ALL FILES MUST BE INCLUDED WHEN DISTRIBUTING THIS PROGRAM!!! *** CGA.BGI and TRIP.CHR appear courtesy of Borland International, Inc. OBJECT: Clear levels by making robots smash into one another. You do this by manipulating them to crash into one another using your player icon (the robots always move towards your player, so if you can get two robots moving on the same lateral plane towards you then they are an easy kill.) When two robots crash into one another they form a pile of debris which can also be used to destroy robots. You get 10 points for each kill. CONTROLS: -> Use the cursor keys to move your player. F1 -> TELEPORT. Teleports your player randomly on the screen. (Note that you will ALWAYS be teleported to a safe area where no robots can smash into you before giving you a chance to move.) You start with 5 teleports and get 1 more for each 10 robots you kill. F2 -> ZAPPER. Kills all robots in squares contiguous to your player. You start with 1 zapper and get 1 more for each level you clear. F3 -> SKIP ONE MOVE. This allows you to make the robots move one turn, while keeping your player in the same square. Note that SPACEBAR does the same thing. F4 -> SKIP REMAINING MOVES. If you have all the robots lined up, and know that this level is for sure 'in the bag', use this feature to zip to the next level. F7 -> On line HELP. F9 -> SOUND toggle. F10 -> QUIT. Thank you for using this program! The author welcomes comments. L. Scott Emmons 9115 Dongston Way #5 Sacramento, CA 95826 UUCP: ...[ucbvax]!ucdavis!csusac!scott